Friday, May 20, 2011

The May 21st Rapture Craziness

I recently read an article from The Wichita Eagle about the May 21 rapture called 'Believers, skeptics plan for rapture'.

On Saturday you could shop, chill at home, do some yard work — or join Jesus in heaven and leave the rest of us behind to suffer torments until the world ends in October. The rapture has been added to Saturday's schedule by radio preacher Harold Camping, an 89-year-old retired civil engineer from Oakland, Calif.

Read more:
On the page there is a poll that asks "Do you believe in the rapture?".
What I find interesting is that 47% of respondents believe in the rapture but don't think it will happen on May 21st 2011. Now, if I asked anyone in my family, who are almost all born again Christians, they would respond the same. They would even go so far as to mention that Camping's Family Radio Worldwide prediction is just crazy silliness.

So, believing that an invisible all-powerful super-intelligence is going to swoop down and take all of his/her followers on May 21st is "craziness", but believing that an invisible all-powerful super-intelligence is going to swoop down and take all of his/her followers at some unspecified time in the near or very distant future is perfectly logical? How does this make sense to anyone? Just because 47% remove the date, it doesn't remove the crazy.

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